This is an interesting case study as it encompasses a number of business coaching “tools” I offer clients.

I was introduced to the Managing Director of the removal company by an accountant who recognised that their client needed a lot more help than they could offer or were capable of delivering. Their initial brief was based around their client’s requirement to raise additional capital.

During my initial discussion with MD, it was clear he had bigger ideas for the business, but had not included these in his plans.

A two day strategic planning session was arranged. This proved to be a major turning point for the MD who finally saw how to align his long terms plans alongside the current business structure.

The session provided clarity in respect of the short term work required and in particular, to address certain weaknesses in the business that were clearly holding them back.

In addition to the strategic planning, I introduced MD to many business growth strategies, and a number of simple customer service ideas which would add significant value to their customers and provide upsell opportunities.

Results Make The Difference…

The good news here is that this client listened and implemented quickly and to a high standard. I often say ACTION IS THE KEY, but action has to be quality too.

As a result, in the following year, MD formed two associated companies to provide other services and which could be franchised or sold under licence at a later date.

And there’s more…

The business also

  • relocated to an 88,000 sq ft premises
  • purchased another business as part of their strategic development
  • won second place at a business awards ceremony
  • Revenues grew by just over 70%

Now that’s what I call getting a result!

As the MD said

“Your ability to seek out and explore underlying issues in the business with such clarity and in such detail has helped me appreciate how important it is to take a step back and work on the business as opposed to in it, and as a result the way forward is clear and achievable. Revenues grew in excess of 70% which we believe is a direct result of your input. We are indebted to you for your significant contribution in putting us on the road to building a successful future and I cannot thank you enough for this and for the results we have already obtained.”

I hope these case studies inspire you to look at your business and make it incredible. If they do, but you are struggling with that vital first step, then why not get in touch and see what we can do for you? It’s that simple – you’ll be glad you did!