Paul & I started to dabble in the world of Affiliate Marketing in December 2008.

Affiliate Marketing NicheThe deeper we delved, the more complex it seemed to get – yet so many so called internet marketing gurus all painted a very rosy ‘get rich quick’ picture.

One of the best bits of advice we received about 6 months in was a basic tip on ‘how to choose your first affiliate marketing niche’. Today we are passing that simple tip onto you, especially if you are just starting out:-

Ask yourself one or both of the following questions ‘What am I passionate about?‘ or “What is my hobby?


It’s simple, if you are passionate about a subject, you are more likely to

  • already know a reasonable amount about it
  • be eager to research it further
  • be enthusiastic about it
  • be able to review any affiliate products available & genuinely know if they are any good / worth promoting

And here is the proof it works:

Paul is an Advanced Badminton Coach and in June 2009 we set up a badminton blog. It is a sport that he is both passionate & knowledgable about & this clearly comes across in the content he has written for his site. Compared with tennis, or squash, badminton is the poor relation, but despite this, in less than 12 months, his site has gone from zero to over 6,000 hits a month. His bounce rate (the percentage of visitors that leave the site within 10 seconds of landing on it) is under 3% – this is exceptional. Next month, we are due to launch an online paid membership coaching program.

If we can do it – so can you.

Remember, it’s the start that stops most people – don’t let it stop you !