So you’ve finally taken the plunge and created a Facebook page to help promote your business, but what do you do now?

Here are 5 quick facebook business page tips to get you started:

#Tip 1 – Secure Your Facebook Page Username

When you can secure your Facebook username will depend on the type of business page you set up. (In some cases you have to have a minimum number of likes).
There are 2 reasons you should consider doing this as soon as you can:

  • It will remove the string of numbers in your URL making it easier to include details on any marketing material
  • It will also prevent anyone else from claiming it before you do!

Instructions can be found in our Facebook business page notes tab:

Remember to like our page whilst you are there!

#Tip 2 – Use Good Graphics

Quality images in your cover picture and your posts are vital.
Statistics show that posts with images get on average 37% more engagement than text posts.

#Tip 3 – Do NOT Buy Facebook Likes

Don't Buy Facebook Page LikesOne of the keys to being successful on Facebook is having a good level of ‘interaction’ with your fans. The more likes, comments and shares you get, the more people will organically be exposed to your page, which in turn should naturally increase your likes.
As tempting as it may be, not only is buying likes against Facebook rules (so you could have your page closed down without warning), because it artificially inflates your like base with fans who have no intention of ever visiting your page again, it will have a negative impact on any efforts you make by affecting your interaction ratios.

#Tip 4 – Network Network Network!

Start by inviting your friends who could be interested in your product / service to like your page – Facebook makes this really easy by including a specific section in your Admin panel. Next, interact with the Facebook Community – the more you do, the quicker you will grow your like base.  Comment on other posts, start conversations, search for and like some pages, including networking pages which compliment your product/service.

For example, we are based in Cheshire and there are number of business networking pages e.g. 247Cheshire who activity encourage small business networking.

#Tip 5 – Be Responsive

We briefly touched on the importance of interaction in #tip 3. If someone takes the time to comment or ask you a question on your Facebook page, you must respond. As a minimum ‘like’ the comment which will show the person that you have seen it.  Ideally you should reply in some way – whether it’s a simple thank you or a follow up. If you don’t they will probably stop bothering in the future.

Think about your own Facebook user experience – how many times have you clicked on something in the ‘ticker’ on the right handside to see what a friend has commented on?  This is one of the ways you can organically increase your exposure.

Would you like to learn more? Download your free copy of ‘10 Hot Tips To Get Noticed, Increase Traffic and Build Your Business On Facebook Without Wasting Your Entire Day!