7 Powerful Marketing Applications That Every Business Must Implement To Succeed In 2020 And Beyond
How many ways are you currently marketing your business? Is it one, two, seven or more?
Are you aware how much revenue you generate from your marketing activities?
Are you tracking each activity to understand and manage your marketing efforts and budgets?
How much additional revenue would you like to be generating from the same amount of effort and cost?
Do you know how to create a marketing campaign?
Marketing your business should be the most important activity in your day, second only to sales meetings when you are facing a prospect or customer. At this stage your marketing has worked, and you are now helping this person get what they want or need, which in turn generates a sale.
Marketing is critical to your business, and yet can be so confusing. If it’s not working at all or barely bringing in any business this leaves you frustrated, scared, worried and wondering what on earth you need to do to make your business successful. Maybe sales are OK but you feel there is so much more you can achieve if only you can unlock the right strategies and tactics, and had the knowledge.
Whatever your current situation, you’ll be relieved and delighted to hear that we’ve developed a workshop that addresses all of these worries. This is a pull the curtains back and let in the light, breakthrough opportunity you are looking for.
Here’s just a small selection of the information you’ll discover on this workshop…
Plus, much much more…
During this 3 hour workshop, we aim to answer your biggest marketing questions, so please write them down and bring them with you. These can be on any marketing topic such as ”how can I get more prospects/customers to respond to my emails” or “why is my current marketing not working?”
Dates & Pricing
A 20% discount is available for anyone wishing to book on more than one of our 3 hour workshops – please see our Workshop page for details of the Keyword Research Workshop.