This two day Big Vision Super Strategy Makeover is one of the most powerful and enlightening business transformation platforms from which to re-launch or completely re-think your business.
It’s been the essential ingredient in so many business turnarounds I’ve had the pleasure to mastermind and have created telephone number results over the years.
No doubt you’ve already read some of the case studies I’ve posted, where previous clients told you a little about their “strategic planning” session with me.
Over the years, these sessions have been fine-tuned and updated to bring together a blend of tried and tested traditional thinking with more twists.
This sizzling two day, back-to-the-drawing-board makeover is certainly not for the feint hearted. You have to be really serious about why you need to make changes in your business. And, you have to be totally committed to follow through and take ACTION to get the results you desire.
If you think you can sit back, do nothing and let everybody else do all of the work, then you will NOT be accepted onto the program. This is a roll your sleeves up, get real, get organised, get busy type of program.
Why You Need to Spend Two Days Working On Your Business
Successful business owners around the world will tell you about the importance of taking time to plan with your key team members.
“most business owners are so busy doing their job, they’ve long since forgotten their vision, and are now too busy fighting fires to care about it.”
Does this sound familiar?
This is one of many reasons given by previous clients for wanting a Super-Strategy Makeover session.
Here are a few more…
1) “We’d never really been big on planning, and that’s probably why we’re in such a mess now.”
2) “When you’ve been working in a business for so long, you become blind to important issues that can hurt you, or you’re just so busy you haven’t the time to tackle them.”
3) “It’s amazing how a fresh pair of eyes and a fresh outlook can zero in on key problems, and provide answers to problems we didn’t know we had.”
4) “When you’re stuck and don’t know what to do next, this is the time to admit you don’t know all the answers. The good news is that this two day process helps you find them.”
5) “I thought we were doing quite well until I went through this process. I now know I’ve aimed too low, made too many small decisions and not enough big ones. This process taught me so much. I now feel ready to lead this company into a new and successful future and have the blueprint to achieve it.”
6) “Year on year we were seeing market share eroding and did not respond with the right strategies and tactics. I wish we had gone through this program then because we’d be outperforming the competition and enjoying the business even more. Better late than never.”
7) “Our business had nothing special or extra to offer, which meant we were always competing on price. As Paul said, low margins are unhealthy for any business. This two day process opened up a world of opportunity for us and as a result, we’ve escaped the low-margin rat race and we are now enjoying a much healthier position.”
Whatever your business problems or challenges are right now, there are ways to help you, even if it means having to begin with a few “quick fix” ideas to stabilise your position. Then, you need to take serious action to ensure you break away from your troubled past.
What Amazing Things Happen On These Two Day Big Vision Super Strategy Makeover Events?
As a business owner/director, you choose the team you feel will contribute best in these sessions. A great leader admits they need good people around them who get excited and relish the chance to put forward their ideas.
This is an ideal time for you to be that leader. Your role in these two days is critical to the outcomes.
Your commitment to steer your team rather than dominate allows a free flow of ideas and perceptions, which you will find enlightening and surprising.
The objectives of this two day event are far reaching. My goal for you is to design a blue print for your future success.
But, this blue print is different than anything you may have done before.
Because, this blueprint has been designed with your key personnel – your team. Not only do they buy into it, they own it and wish to see it become a reality. And that’s an unstoppable force.
If you’re thinking that your team are taking over your business, then you’d be wrong. They will be steered by you. But there also needs to be a recognition that they may have really good answers and provide solutions you never dreamed of.
In other words, at all times, keep an open mind or you may miss that breakthrough moment! It doesn’t matter whether that moment is originated from me or your team – the fact it happens is the most important part of the two days.
Collectively, we will answer three BIG QUESTIONS!
1) Where is your business now?
2) Where do you want it to be?
3) How are we going to get there?
Day one is designed to focus on answering question “1) – Where is your business now?
Our objective here is to have a full understanding of your business model and the results you’re currently achieving utilising existing resources.
This data allows us to question and reflect. Is this the best model for your industry? If not, how can we re-model, re-strategise, re-allocate resources, re-market and what may happen if we do?
Day two becomes a virtual wish list of what you’d like to achieve and when? This builds on the data and re-modelling work we finished on day one and provides a clear indication of the changes about to follow.
With new defined targets agreed, the final piece in this jigsaw is to set about identifying the growth strategies, tactics and tasks required to help you and your team reach your desired goals within the timescales you believe are achievable.
This is an exciting and rewarding day because you now have clearly defined goals and a map – what I call your strategic blueprint, to achieve these goals and success in business. You know exactly how you are going to make the transition from where your business is today to where it will be one year from now. And, you’ll have the confidence to achieve it.
You’ll also see a massive change in your team. After all, they understand your vision as they helped create it. They now know what they need to achieve individually through the tasks allocated to them and how this fits into the overall team plan and business plan.
And, by knowing the significance of their role in the grand plan, this measurement of performance can be reflected in their annual appraisal and bonus. Doesn’t that make life a little easier!
Now You Can See How the Initial Planning Links To Specific Tasks, Which In Turn Links To Successful Results!
“No matter how often I run these Big Vision Super Strategy Makeover sessions, I am always thrilled, honoured and amazed at the breakthroughs, the a-ha moments, the formulation of a super-team and the excitement when everybody in the room sees the new business emerging. There’s a point when the penny drops, and the realisation and belief in the business becomes huge because the team made it happen. Not only is this extremely powerful for a business owner to harness, but the added bonus is the sheer simplicity of the changes required to transform their current underperforming business into a super-charged, unstoppable force.”
How Do you seize the opportunity to participate in one of these two day big vision super strategy makeover sessions for your business?
As with all of our services, the simplest and best way to begin is to arrange an informal call with me.
All you need to do is email me direct paul@profitmastersltd.com with the subject line “Request for Super Strategy Makeover Discussion.” On your email, it would be helpful to tell me the following:
1) Describe your business in respect of what you sell, who are your customers, current turnover, team size, contact details
2) If you’re accepted onto our Two Day Big Vision Super Strategy Makeover, what are your top 3 SUCCESSES you most want to accomplish during the next year and why?
3) What are the 3 CHALLENGES you wish to overcome to achieve a quantum leap in your business?
4) What was your business revenue for the previous two years to the current year. What was your revenue during your most successful year?
5) What is your current financial goal for the next 6 months and 12 months? What do you want it to be?
6) Why is it important for you to attend the Two Day Big Vision Super Strategy Makeover right now? How will it make a difference to you?
Providing me with this information ahead of our call will allow me the time to study your answers and formulate questions to ascertain whether you are ready for the Big Vision Super Strategy Makeover, or would be better served by one of our other services.