In 1999, Paul left a top four bank to follow a higher purpose. “I was concerned at witnessing a number of business failures and wanted to understand why they happened. After all, this would help me do my job better. This lead to me asking colleagues what advice is given to business owners who are struggling to generate profits in their business.” Time and again the answer was the same….”we tell them to cut their costs.”
This answer was totally unsatisfactory and became the match that lit the torch paper. As Paul says, “I couldn’t settle with this answer, although I accepted it was a small piece in a much larger jigsaw.”
Since leaving the bank, Paul’s quest for answers has taken him overseas, training with many of the best marketing, copywriting, business strategy and personal development experts in the world.
“For over 15 years I have immersed myself in the practical world of business with experts who continue to consult at the highest level and yet still demonstrate how to apply these tools, strategies and tactics with businesses of all sizes, in over 460 different industries and in countries all around the world.
This is NOT theoretical consultancy, but the roll your sleeves up and get stuck in, practical changes that any business owner can make.
I hate to see a good business fail. Sure, they may have made mistakes but most businesses can be saved if only they had better thinking, better strategies and more clarity. That’s what I bring to the business owner…if they are prepared to listen and change.
Occasionally I have to work on the business owner first because it’s important they are in the right place mentally and physically to lead the company into their successful future.
The other thing I hate is dirty business. So, if that’s your game then don’t call me as I won’t work with you. I only work with business owners with good ethics and morals.
All of my training in business, personal development and NLP has played a pivotal role in the success of my badminton coaching too. I now run highly successful training weekends where we attract badminton players from across the UK and, from 2014, Europe too, with players visiting from Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Monaco, Sweden and Switzerland.”
If you’re looking for answers to those burning questions, then you should be speaking to Paul

Previously, Angie’s roles have included:
– Regional Business Co-ordinator for Barclays Bank Plc supporting a team of 74 business advisors located within 33 branches, with an overall notional sales target of £9.6m. During her 3 years in this role, the Birmingham Region was consistently the top UK performer.
– In-house Sales Trainer for Barclays Small Business Insurance.
– Management of a portfolio of Motor Trade clients for Marsh.
– Carrier Relations Manager for Equinix UK, responsible establishing & developing relationships with multiple telecoms providers.
At Profit Masters Ltd, Angie’s primary focus is to help businesses develop online sales and marketing strategies, including:
- Keyword Research
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Article Marketing
- Blog & Website Effectiveness.
Angie’s interests outside of work include craft making as well as health, wellness and nutrition. You can find out more about these passions on www.craftmakingideas.com and www.familynutrition.co.uk
Digital Marketing Certifications