The One Day VIP Marketing Intensive presents you with a truly unique opportunity to experience first-hand the really important numbers in your business generated through your marketing activity.
Have you ever taken a day, YES, a full working day, away from your business to completely focus on how your business markets its products or services?
You haven’t! You’re not alone.
Disappointingly, I haven’t met a single business owner/director who has given sufficient time to their marketing – unless they’ve talked to me!
If you don’t know how your business attracts prospects or retains clients through your marketing, then you really don’t know the key numbers in your business. These are THE CRITICAL numbers accountants know nothing about!
Marketing Is The Engine Which Powers Your Business
As Peter Drucker, author and exceptional business thinker once said:
“the purpose of a business is to create a customer.”
This is THE most critical, on the button quote I’ve ever heard from any business writer, thinker, guru etc. I’ll take it one stage further and say that:
“the purpose of a business is to create and retain a customer.”
And yet, even now, when times are hard, many business owners/directors are slashing marketing budgets, purely to cut costs, when it’s clear they have no idea which elements of their marketing are successful and which are failing. That makes no sense whatsoever!
How can these people manage a business when they have no real concept of how powerful marketing is, and how the right marketing can totally reverse poor results.
If your business was compared to your body, then marketing, along with sales would be your heart. Now we all know you cannot function without your heart, and that’s exactly the same for your business, it cannot function without good marketing.
Not only does your marketing need a tune up every so often, but it also needs the resources to flow properly and perform at its best.
In other words, your marketing needs
In this eye-opening, take no prisoners day, you will finally go face-to-face with the facts about each element of your current marketing mix.
Throughout this dynamic process, we work in partnership to question what each piece of marketing is supposed to do, what results it’s achieved so far, what it’s costing to run and therefore whether it’s providing a good return on investment.
When you’re shocked to the core about just how expensive, in-cohesive and ineffective your marketing activity is (I hope this isn’t the situation in your business), then we’ll begin the process of re-building your marketing engine.
This is when you learn what powerful, highly targeted marketing is and that it’s really a combination of art, science and human psychology. Therefore, anyone can learn it.
Now you may be thinking that you don’t need to learn about marketing in your business. After all, you’re paying your team to do that for you.
I’ll disagree and here’s why…
You learn this because, by the time we finish, you’ll see how the thinking behind successful marketing literally becomes your secret weapon. It’s the bullet to fire from your sniper rifle to pick off prospects one at a time.
But, it’s even bigger than this! The ethos and thinking that goes into this amazing day will have the most profound effect on you and your team in respect of:
- How you think about a customer
- How you deliver your product or service
- How you handle every single interaction with a prospect or customer that will build on the relationship beyond your expectations
- How each and every member of your team has a key role to play in your business success
- How you handle complaints
In essence, you’re re-learning how to put your agenda to one side, listen, communicate with precision and confidence so that the listener understands and wants to engage with you.
When UPS was first launched many years ago, the founders got something right. They understood that the true salesman for their business was their driver collecting and delivering parcels day after day.
In a customer’s eyes, these drivers were the face of UPS and therefore represented what was either good or bad about UPS. UPS were successful because they had figured this out and therefore hired well.
I wonder what your version of this will be or what will be your star drivers?
When we’re done at the end of the day, you’ll not only have a completely different perspective about your business and how it communicates to your prospects and customers in the “outside” world, but also to your customers internally – your staff.
You’ll also be blown away with what we uncover, dissect and change. And, when you think we’re done, realise this is just the beginning!
Yes, it’s good that you now understand what’s not working, why it’s not working and what the alternatives are.
Now the real work begins!
There has to be a plan to completely overturn your current marketing activity that’s not working. This is when you have the option for me to continue to work with you and your team to…
- Write your marketing plan
- Schedule the changes in your current activity
- Write your new marketing, working with your team and/or outside organisation
- Implement monitoring system
- Fine tune as we progress
- Celebrate your success
The One Day Marketing Intensive is included in our 6 and 12 month Business Growth Breakthrough Program. However, this super-charging, results focused one day event is also available as a stand- alone service.
To book your One Day VIP Marketing Intensive, you need to request an informal one-to-one discussion with me.
All you need to do is email me direct paul@profitmastersltd.com with the subject line “Request for Marketing Informal Discussion.” On your email, it would be helpful to tell me the following:
1) Describe your business in respect of what you sell, who are your customers, current turnover, team size, contact details
2) If you’re accepted onto our One Day VIP Marketing Intensive, what are your top 3 SUCCESSES you most want to accomplish during the next year and why?
3) What are the 3 CHALLENGES you wish to overcome to achieve a quantum leap in your business?
4) What was your business revenue for the previous two years to the current year. What was your revenue during your most successful year?
5) What is your current financial goal for the next 6 months and 12 months? What do you want it to be?
6) Why is it important for you to attend the One Day VIP Marketing Intensive right now? How will it make a difference to you?
The road to your One Day VIP Marketing Intensive and future success is just an email and phone call away!